Home Health

If you or someone you love is restricted to home, Rehab Solutions can come to you! We partner with local home health agencies in Lafayette and the surrounding areas to provide physical, occupational and speech therapy in the comfort of your own home. By offering rehabilitation in the privacy of a patient’s home, we can reduce the chance that a patient might miss therapy because of the effort it takes to get to an outpatient facility. It also helps our patients relearn in the perfect environment – their home. They can relearn how to bend down to their refrigerator, reach up to their cabinets, or walk up their stairs. Rehab Solutions covers the Acadian area, making house calls in Lafayette and areas within a 30 mile radius.

Why settle for “some improvement” when you might regain more of the life you love.  Our goal is to help you move around your home easier, play with your grandchildren with less or no pain, and regain a place in your community. We want to put quality back into your everyday living.  Toward this goal, we assign a well-trained professional therapist to come to your home to observe, create a plan of care, and set goals specific to your individual environment.

We want to make the rehabilitation process as easy as possible so you can reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Contact us today to learn how we can help you!